Ordinances & Policies


Dilapidated Building Ordinance

This ordinance went into effect on June 16, 2015. Copies of the ordinance are available at the Town Clerk’s office or download here.
Corinth Dilapidated Building Ordinance

Flood Hazard Area Zoning Regulation

This update to the bylaws was adopted by the Selectboard on May 11, 2015. Permits are required for all new construction, substantial improvements and other developments, within all lands to which these regulations apply. Copies of this ordinance are available at the Town Clerk’s office or download here.
Corinth Flood Hazard Area Bylaws – May 2015

Sewage Ordinance

Any person who intends to build, replace or alter a sewage disposal system must apply for a permit through the State of Vermont. See their website for information.

Solid Waste Ordinance

To protect the health and welfare of the citizens of Corinth and to promote the conservation of natural resources and wise use of the environment, this ordinance is designed to regulate the separation, recovery, collection, removal, storage and deposition of solid waste, including recyclables.
Solid Waste Ordinance

Proposed revision to the Solid Waste Ordinance, adopted by the Selectboard on 8/2/2022:
Revised Solid Waste Ordinance – August 2022

Subdivision Bylaws

This ordinance was adopted by vote on November 7, 1995 and is effective as of that date. Requires town approval of all division of land in Corinth. Applications are available from the Administrative Officer.
Corinth Subdivision Bylaws – 2017


There is no zoning ordinance in effect at this time other than the Flood Hazard Area Zoning noted above.

Anti-nuclear Ordinance

On Monday, May 18, 1992, the Selectmen adopted an ordinance to ban the construction and operation of commercial nuclear reactors and/or mines for fissionable material or any other nuclear facility and the transportation, storage or disposal of radioactive wastes for such reactors and or such mines in the land, air or water of the Town of Corinth.


Highway Ordinance

A comprehensive Highway Ordinance has been in effect since October 30, 1987. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish municipal policy and practice on the maintenance and upgrading of existing town roads and to describe construction standards and procedures for accepting new roads into the town highway system. Copies of this ordinance are available at the Town Clerk’s office.
Highway Ordinance

Speed Ordinances

There are several speed ordinances for the villages of this town. Copies of these ordinances are available at the Town Clerk’s office.

Snowmobile Ordinance

On February 29, 1988, the Selectboard voted to continue the policy regarding operation of snowmobiles. The policy for snowmobiles is that “all unplowed roads are available for use by snowmobiles. There are no other restrictions.”

ATV Ordinance

The ATV civil ordinance regulates the time, manner, and location of operation of all terrain vehicles (ATVs) within the town.
ATV Ordinance

Stop Sign Ordinance

In effect since May 7, 2004, regulates traffic in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Copies of this ordinance are available at the Town Clerk’s office. A copy of the ordinance is on file with the Town Clerk.

Highway Personnel Policy

The purpose of these Personnel Policies is to assist in the effective administration of the highway work performed by the Town of Corinth. These policies and procedures have been approved by the Corinth Board of Selectmen and can be amended any time by the
Board in its sole discretion. The Board of Selectmen believes that the maintenance of an effective staff is closely linked to an understanding by all parties of the personnel policies and procedures which the employees are expected to abide by.
Highway Personnel Policy


Animal Cruelty Ordinance

This ordinance protects the welfare of animals in Corinth under the authority of 24 V.S.A. Ch. 61, SS2291 (21). Corinth Animal Cruelty Ordinance. Copies are also available at the Town Clerk’s office.

Dog Ordinance

In effect since May 15, 1995, requires that all dogs and wolf-hybrids shall be licensed and restrained from running at large. Corinth Dog Ordinance – Sept 2015. Copies are also available at the Town Clerk’s office.


Village Center Designation

March 22, 2021: The hamlets of East Corinth and Cookeville have been given Vermont Village Center Designation. This program supports local revitalization efforts across the state by providing funding to help villages build strong communities. Village Centers are eligible for many state grants and tax credits. Read more »

Anti-Racism Resolution

Adopted by the Selectboard September 14, 2020. Corinth Anti-Racism Resolution

Purchasing Policy

The purpose of this Purchasing Policy is to obtain high-quality goods and services for the Town of Corinth, to exercise financial control over the purchasing process, and to clearly define authority for the purchasing function. Corinth Purchasing Policy – Revised 2024


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