• The Town Clerk’s Office reduced hours (owing to maternity leave) are currently: Mondays & Thursdays 8:30 – 1:00pm; Tuesdays 8:00 – 4:00pm. And, the first Saturday of every month from 8:00 – 12 noon.
  • New mural by WRVS students enlivens the transfer station! Read about it here »
    New Corinth Transfer Station mural with kids who helped to paint it.
  • Planning to do some burning?  You must first get a burn permit from Corinth Forest Fire Warden, Mike Wolff: (605) 431-7085. There is no charge for a permit. A permit entitles you to burn yard waste only. It is illegal to burn household garbage, many wood products including pressure-treated, painted wood, plywood; also tires, batteries, plastic, etc. Info here »
  • Visit the Corinth Free Store at the Transfer Station! Info here »
  • Covid-19 Information »
  • ATV USE IN CORINTH: ATV use of any kind is ILLEGAL ON ALL ROADS & TRAILS in the Town of Corinth.  Read the ordinance »


Corinth is located in the center of Orange County, touching the borders of Vershire, Bradford, Newbury, Topsham, Fairlee, Orange, Washington and Chelsea. Unlike most other Vermont towns, there is no village hub in the center (perhaps the reason visitors are so easily lost). Our one substantial village is East Corinth, once home to the Bowen-Hunter Mill, which made wooden bobbins for the textile industry. Corinth was granted a charter by King George III in 1764 and has a long history of active settlement. Read more here ›


Our town office is in the hamlet of Cookeville, where there is a second post office, two Dairies of Distinction, an excellent farm shop/deli owned and operated by a local farming family, and the elegantly renovated Corinth Academy museum where the town’s scholars once attended high school that is now full of historical treasures and open to the public. Other settlements include East Corinth (filming location for the cult classic, Beetlejuice), Corinth Corners, West Corinth, Corinth Center, South Corinth and Goose Green (so named for the color painted on the feet of the geese being driven—as in, walked or herded—to markets in Boston). Each of these hamlets at one time contained all the businesses necessary to a self-sufficient rural life, but are now mostly residential.


Like most of Vermont, our economy is no longer primarily agricultural. Some of us commute to our day jobs or work at home in front of a computer screen. Others of us are loggers, artists, writers, farmers, business people, carpenters and contractors—differing perhaps in how or when we arrived here but still valuing the rural nature of our town and over 250 years of spirited independence.

Corinth road, land use maps and statistics ›


Panorama Photo by Rob Rinaldi

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