Corinth Celebrates 250 Years

Corinth, VT original town charter width=
Corinth Charter, dated February 4, 1764

GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, Etc., to all Persons to whom these Presents shall come,       Greeting.

…So goes Gov. Benning Wentworth’s 1764 Charter to Corinth for its settling and habitation, for which the 68 original grantees would pay a rent of one ear of Indian Corn annually. Our town has seen a lot of changes since then, of course, but we are still rural in nature, still abundant with rivers and undeveloped woodlands, still proud of being a little bit different. As it says in our exceptional town history, published in 1964 to commemorate our bicentennial, “It is not every man’s lot to gain Corinth.”

(As noted on the charter, above, Corinth was part of the New Hampshire Grants at this time.)


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Celebrating 250 Years

In 2014, Corinth celebrated its 250th anniversary with a bounty of events throughout the year, including a hot and steamy chili cookoff, exquisite birthday cake presented at the annual Town Meeting, a summer long self-guided historic buildings tour, old home days, a whirling traditional New England dance, and much more.


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